MGA Qadiani was not impeccable!

Praise be to Allah, Lord of The Worlds and peace be upon His Greatest an Last prophet;

In Roohani Khazain part 7 page 47, MGA Qadiani said: 
"لیکن افسوس کہ بطالوی صاحب نے یہ نہ سمجھا کہ نہ مجھے اور نہ کسی انسان کو بعد انبیاء علیھم السلام کے معصوم ہو نے کا دعوی ہے۔" روحانی خزائن جلد 7 صفحہ 47.
Translation: "Alas for Sheikh Patalavi that he doesn't understand that I don't claim and no one claims the infallibility/impeccability after the prophets peace be upon them"
MGA Qadiani was not  impeccable, so he was not a prophet.

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