Ahmadis/Qadianis think that MGA Qadiani became Issa Ibn Mariam as an inevitable result of death of the true Issa Ibn Mariam a.s, and so, the resemblant (fake, Mirza), not the actual Messiah a.s, is the one who was told by our Holy Prophet s.a.w to come in the last days of the world.

Actually, this thought is completely wrong and the fact is that death or life of the Messiah a.s is not related to the claim of Mirza being the fake Messiah. MGA Qadiani in order to become the fake Messiah, he passed through several stages which are:

FIRST STAGE (The female Mirza):

MGA Qadiani said:
“Thus, in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, I was first given the name Mary, as can be inferred from the revelation on page 241: أنى لك هذا . That is, O Mary! Wherefrom did you attain this blessing? A revelation on page 226 also makes reference to this:  هز إليك بجذع النخلة That is, O Mary! Shake the trunk of the palm tree. And then on page 496 of Barahin-eAhmadiyyah the following revelation is present:
يا مريم اسكن أنت وزوجك الجنة نفخت فيك من لدني روح الصدق That is, O Mary! Enter heaven with your companions. I have breathed into you from Myself the Soul of Truth" Noah’s Ark P.79.
He also said:
“So although God referred to me as Mary in the third part of Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, and as is evident from the treatise itself, for two years I was nurtured in the likeness of Mary and continued to develop in the cloak of secrecy. Then after two years had passed, as it is recorded in the fourth part of Barahin e-Ahmadiyyah on page 496, like Mary..” Noah’s Ark p. 82.

SECOND STAGE: (Menstrual period!)

Yalash, God of Mirza revealed to him:
"يريدون أن يروا طمثك!"
Translation: [Arabic] They desire to see menstruation blood in you. Tadhkirah (English Edition) p. 509-510

THIRD STAGE: (Mating!):

Qadi Yar Muhammad Qadiani said:
“One time, Maseeh-e-Ma’ood (MGA Qadiani) declared his status saying that he saw himself, in Kashf status, as a woman and that in him, Allah  showed up His manly power” Translated from Islami Qorbani, book of Qadi Yar Muhammad Qadiani, p. 12.
أستغفر الله من هذا الكفر

FOURTH STAGE: (Pregnancy for 10 months!):

MGA Qadiani said:
“Then after two years had passed, as it is recorded in the fourth part of Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah on page 496, like Mary, the soul of Jesus was breathed into me, and in metaphorical terms, I was impregnated. Then, after a period of no more than ten months, through the revelation recorded towards the end of the fourth part of Barahin-e Ahmadiyyah on page 556, from Mary I was transformed into Jesus.” Noah’s Ark p. 82.


Yalash, God of Mirza, revealed to him:
"فأجاءها المخاض إلى جذع النخلة قالت يا ليتني مت قبل هذا وكنت نسيا منسيا"
[Arabic] The pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date-palm tree and she said: ‘O! Would that I had died before thisand had become a thing quite forgotten.  Tadhkirah (English edition) p. 88.
MGA Qadiani commented:
“That is, [Arabic] then Mary, which refers to this humble one, was brought to the trunk of the datepalm tree by the pangs of childbirth” Tadhkirah (English edition) p. 89.

SIXTH STAGE: (Accused):

Yalash, God of Mirza, revealed to him:
"لقد جئت شيئا فريا ما كان أبوك امرأ سوء وما كانت أمك بغيا"
[Arabic] …and People said: ‘O Maryam [Mary]! What an abominable and despicable thing—far removed from righteousness—have you perpetrated. Your father104 and your mother were not such people. Tadhkirah (English edition) p. 90.

Actually, all these stages are metaphorical, but even though, can any wise man remain following #TheLiarMirza after his absolute nonsense?!


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