MGA Qadiani, The Hypocrite !

In 1892, MGA Qadiani received this revelation from his God “Yalash”:
 “The British Empire will last for eight years, thereafter there will be the days of weakness, and decline”   TADHKIRAH (English edition) p. 1017-1018.

This prophecy failed like other prophecies of MGA Qadiani that Qadianis required to justify and apologize as usual. According to this prophecy, the British empire is supposed to start weakness and decline at 1900 which didn’t occur. In the contrary to that, The British achieved victory in first and second world wars. So, the prophecy of Mirza was fulfilled but inversely!

In October 1898, Maulvi Muhammad Husain Patalvi wrote a treatise in which he stated that MGA Qadiani published a revelation that the British empire will be destroyed through 8 years.

MGA Qadiani denied this revelation completely fearing of the British!

Mirza said:

“The second thing which Muhammad Husain has written in this treatise is that I have published a revelation to the effect that the empire of this esteemed government will be destroyed in eight years. I can only respond to this calumny by calling on God to ruin the one who lies; I have never published any such revelation. All my books are present before the government. I respectfully call on them to inquire from this individual in which book, letter, or announcement of mine have I published such a revelation? I am hopeful that the honourable government will remain cautious of his deception in case he contrives a plan to reinforce his false statement and calls on some of his community and associates, who harbour deep animosity towards me on account of religious difference, to produce false testimony to the government. I have no relations and contact with this individual or those who share his ideas, so it cannot be said that I told them anything in person. It is in my books and announcements that I publish whatever I desire to articulate; therefore, my books and announcements are sufcient to inquire about my ideas and revelations” Truth unveiled p. 51-52.

Mirza’s own judgement on himself:

    1-   Unethical act:

Mirza said:
“Any wise person can understand that there is nothing more unethical than to teach one thing but to act differently in secret” Truth unveiled P. 16

    2-   Hypocrisy:

Mirza said:
“On the other hand, a government would be extremely unfortunate if all of its subjects were hypocrites, who say one thing in private and another in public” BarĀhĪn-e-Ahmadiyya — Part Four p. 12
 3- The way of Depraved:
  Mirza said:
"فقلت إني أرى الصواب في تعظيم الإلهام، وإن الإخفاء معصية عندي ومن سير اللئام" [روحاني خزائن 22/657]
Translation: " I said that I see the right thing is to glorify the inspiration, and that the concealment is disobedience [of Allah] to me and is the way of depraved"

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