The Mahdi (the rightly guided) was puzzled in his shoes and socks !

Mirza Bashir Ahmad, son of MGA Qadiani, wrote:

"Dr Mir Muhammad Ismaiel told me saying: the promised messiah was so simple in his daily life, that he was sometimes wearing the socks upside down that the heel becomes upwards towards the back of the foot instead of being downwards towards the sole, sometimes he was buttoning in non-corresponding buttonhole, when one of our brothers give him a gift in the form of "Ghirghabi" shoes, he sometimes was wearing them inversely! that it causes some sort of harm, and so he was preferring classical shoes. As such was his status while eating food, he was saying: when a small pebble comes between my teeth, then I realize what I'm eating!
Reference: Siratul Mahdi, Narration No. 378.

In Narration No. 83, Mirza Bashir Ahmad wrote:

"At a time, some one gave him (MGAQ) one couple of shoes of the type "Ghirghabi". He wore them, but he wasn't able to differentiate easily between right and left shoe. In many times, he was wearing them inversely and this caused some sort of harm. If he wore them inversely, he was saying annoyingly: It isn't a good thing. My mother (Nusrat Jihan Begum) said to me that she had put a mark for him to know the right from the left of the shoes, but he was , despite that, confused and was, sometimes, wearing them inversely! so, he left (wearing) them" 


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