Whatever the claim of MGA Qaiani, Qur'an can be twisted to suit his claim!

Praise be to Allah, Lord of The Worlds and peace be upon His Greatest an Last prophet;

Qadianis are like Jews (يحرفون الكلم عن مواضعه, they distort words from their [proper] usage) and this depends, only and exclusively, on Mirza's claims. Whatever the claim of MGA Qaiani, Qur'an can be twisted to suit his claim!

The following narration of the book Siratul Mahdi of Mirza Bashir Ahmad, son of MGAQ, is a clear example of what we are speaking about. Bashir Ahmad wrote:

"In the name of Allah, The Merciful. I say: The first caliph (Maulvi Noor Uddin) said: the two books (of MGAQ), Fath Al Islam and Tawzih-e-Maram, were published but still didn't arrive to me and they arrived to one of the opponents. He said, among people, I'll separate the respectable Maulvi, referring to me, from Mirza. He came to me and said: Is it possible that a prophet comes after our Holy Prophet Sallalahu Alihi Wa Sallam? 
I said: No.
He said: So, what's your opinion about claimant of prophet-hood?
I said: We will see if he is truthful or not, as if he is truthful, we must accept his claim!
when he heard my answer, he said: You didn't let me seize you, oh Maulvi.
Maulvi (Noor Uddin), after mentioning this story, was saying : My dialogue with him was about absolute prophet-hood, but I believe that even if the promised messiah (MGAQ) announced that he is law-bearing prophet and that he abrogates the Quranic law, I wouldn't deny him! as I found him truthful and sent by Allah really; so whatever he says, after that, is the truth and in such a case, we would say that the verse of KHATAM ANNABIYEEN has another interpretaion!"
Reference: Siratul Mahdi, Narration no. 109.

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