Ikrima Najami's Announcement That He Left Ahmadiyya

He wrote:

Announcement that I left the Ahmadiyya Jamaat

I declare to all of my Ahmadi friends everywhere, and to the whole world, that it is clear to me that the founder of Ahmadiyya was deliberately lying, with bad morals, and his jamaat after him continues to spread lies, deception and false showing off. 
It is very shocking that one reaches this conclusion, but the alternative is an eternal concern and worries, and a betrayal of the new generations, a Perjury and it will Increase the size of the disaster and the magnitude of the shock.

In My last phase in Ahmadiyya – which took from my birth until my 45 years of age – I was the In-Charge of Ahmadiyya Jamaats in some of the Arab Countries, and I was the In-Charge of the Arab Baiats Record department and other Administrating responsibilities. And before that I was Deputy of MTA-3 Alarabiya Director and had some other responsibilities. 

I was born as an Ahmadi, and my grandfather from my mother side was the first Ahmadi among Odeh family in Kababir, when he joind Ahmadiyya 90 years before. Since I was religiously committed and knew the ideologies of the Jamaat closely, I have endeavored to impliment all the teachings fully hearitly and to abide by what the Jamaat says, and I have been a member of the Administrative body of the Jamaat in Kababir for years. 

When I moved to London in 2007, I worked at the Centre of Ahmadiya Jamaat. I was close to Mirza's successor (Khalifa), My house was near his house, my work was near his office, and I was the Moua`zin (caller for prayers) in his mosque and I was leading the prayers when he and the Imam of the Mosque absent.

how difficult and painful to be born in a Jamaat and serve it with all the means you can, live it, love it and breathe it, and cancel your existence and personal choices for it, thinking that it is on the right path; And you find in this age (45) that it is a Jamaat that has been lying since its first day! And that it is a Showing-off Jamaat that does not really serve Islam and humanity, but instead, it serves only its interests and some beneficiaries only!

In any case, all praise to Allah the Almighty who helped me to leave this Jamaat after a deep independent unbiased research, which was very shocking and painful too.
After reaching certainty in this regard, I felt an imperative duty to convey to all people my testimony and experience of this Jamaat, so that May Allah save the respectful and sincere members of the Ahmadiyya who do not know the painful and hidden truth or cannot really cope with it, or being unable to confront it or even think about it. 

I have notices that the Jamaat does not respond to what brother Hani Tahir poses. The Khalifa asked me once about my opinion. I said to him: I did not see any real or geniuen replies. He said to me: "Ok, you research and reply to his allegations”. 

Then I started my research and went through the following stages: the stage of denial, then the stage of distress and anxiety, then the stage of confronting yourself with the big questions, what would you do if you actually find the falsehood of your Jamaat? How will you live your life? What about the thousands of people you knew and served within the Jamaat and they know you personally? What about your family and children of all ages and your relatives and friends? How would you explain all of that to them? How will their reactions be? Would they be psychologically affected?

Then it was the stage of intensive and continuous Du'aa (Prayers) with a covenant with Allah the Almighty to follow the truth whatever the cost would be. After all, all what I want was to please Allah in every respect. My main Dua’ was: “ O Allah! show us the truth as true, and inspire us to follow it. Show us falsehood as falsehood, and inspire us to abstain from it.” 
And only after this covenant (pledge) with Allah, came the stage of "the start of the unbiased research”; Allah is my witness it was very very difficult and painful. You research and get disturbed from everything you find, because the findings are contrary to what you want or what you love! you will be shocked and hurt when you discover that you face the biggest Falsehood & Deception in the modern history. Especially when you find, for example, in your research about the Arabic language of the founder, you find it one of the biggest lies. all his beautiful expressions were stolen from Al-Hariri and Hamdhani who existed 700 years before the founder. For example, during my research in Al-Maqamat, I found in the first quarter of the Muqamat al-Hariri, more than one thousand (1000) stolen phrases that was distributed on a number of his Arabic books!! 

After passing through this path of pain, comes the stage of " Delivering the Trust”  . and handing over these facts for the highest authority in Ahmadiyya, that is the successor (Caliph) of the founder.

It was indeed a very difficult and painful meeting, I had mixed feelings with pain in my heart, I gave him a detailed letter and it was the following: 

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
Fazl Mosque:  23/10/2017 

My Dear and respected Mirza Masroor Ahmad
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
 I call the Almighty Allah to witness that I have never imagined that I would be in this painful position. My heart is full of aches from the trauma I am living in these days. This has been reflected negatively on me; even in terms of my health.
How beautiful were those days that we spent in your presence, but in the same time this has born severe pains. How much we loved to work for the service of Islam through this Jamaat, and how glad we were to sacrifice all what we possessed, thinking that this was in the cause of Allah. How much have we overlooked the mistakes of the Ahmadis and had good faith in them. All this was because of our love for the founder of this Jamaat and his Khalifah. How much have we tried to ignore to face the facts that we have heard recently, but for how long could we continue doing that?
Who can reject the gift of Allah and not use his mind? Who can deceive himself more than that?

I am sorry to say that I have found that the responses of the Ahmadis - to the points that brother Hani Tahir has raised - were very far from being objective and were devoid of substance. They were full of selfish pride and insults as well as ruthlessness. As a result, our Jamaat emerged as an arrogant dictatorial Jamaat that wanted to prevent its people from thinking. In the same time, Hani Tahir continued to preach affection, peace, reason and objectivity in the research, and he did not change his approach in presenting his points and he did not get dragged into the personal arguments that some people tried to drag him into, while all that he was presenting was from texts written by the founder of the Jamaat.

How much it hurt me to see that the Jamaat did not stand as a unity to defend its founder, and left the matter in the hands of some individuals who are biased and unable to provide replies to refute what Hani has presented in an objective and fundamental manner. Since when was this person or the other representing the Jamaat? Why were not the replies issued officially in the name of the Jamaat or even in the name of the Arabic Desk?

I wondered, how can the “Jamaat of the Truth” prevent its members from listening to its opponents or even becoming aware of the doubts that are raised against the Jamaat, in fear that they will be affected by what they will know? 

Since when was the truth so weak?

How many times have we criticized the non-Ahmadi scholars who forbade people from following our channel? How many times have we quoted in our favour as an argument the verse:
الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ (الزمر 19)
Those who listen to the Word and follow the best thereof. 
(Al-Zumar 19)

How can we now find the officials of the Jamaat ordering its members not to listen at all to what any opponent says and not to even get acquainted with different opinions?
They even attribute these instructions to you!
As for the content of the responses to what Hani published, I cite the following as a few examples:

• Hani said: "How could the members of the Jamaat  be 400 thousand in 1906, and then remain 400 thousand in 1944, despite the fact that the Khalifa said that the number has multiplied hundreds of times more than what it was at the time of the promised Messiah?". 
They replied by only repeating the same phrase, as if by doing this they have refuted it! 
• And when Hani published hundreds of grammatical errors that occurred in the founder's Arabic books, they did not respond to any of these articles except in a way that no one would accept, and they did not ask any specialist in the Jamaat to respond, even though Hani himself has asked them to do so. 

• And when Hani published dozens of articles that show that the founder has copied from “Maqamat Al Hariri”- whose author ‘Al Hariri’ was born in the year A.D. 1054, their responses were inconsistent and contradictory; once they say: the founder did not read any of Hariri’s writings at all, and once they say: the founder was only affected by Hariri, and once they say: the founder deliberately copied from Hariri to draw people's attention to him! But in all cases they did not answer the question why is there a very big similarity between the founder’s writings and “Maqamat Al Hariri”? 
For example, from the first 30 pages of “Maqamat Al Hariri”, there are at least 500 phrases that are found distributed in the founder’s Arabic books! The only explanation for this is that the founder has actually copied from Hariri, and that he could not himself come up with powerful eloquent phrases without copying from Hariri. This of course destroys the idea that Allah taught him 40 thousand articles in Arabic! How could Allah have taught him all that while he continued to depend on Hariri?

• And when Hani spoke about the falsification of the founder of the Jamaat when he referred to the Qur'an, the Hadith, the Mufassereen (Interpreters of the Quran), and the Awleyaa, there was no reply, despite the fact that Hani had mentioned more than 20 texts that the founder has ascribed to these sources, without the least trace of these texts existing in any of them. And this is the case also when Hani spoke about the falsification of the founder in referring to some points in his own books and publications, while these points did not exist in the said references.

• And when Hani discredited the book "Ijazul Masih" from all aspects and said that he has taken the challenge and won, and he called for the formation of an unprejudiced committee to judge in this matter, no Ahmadi even commented on this. As a result, there was no reversal to Hani’s nullification of the book and this remains the case now.
Yet the greatest tremor was when we were taken by shock by the founder's morals and his many insults, which we cannot accept for our children to hear and which we cannot be proud of, if these were published to the world. 

We did not feel at all easy with his writing of a thousand consecutive “La’nah” - curse - in one of his books, nor with his insistence on the inevitability of his marriage to a married woman and his publishing announcements among people about that. For us this is a crime and a shameful act and is unacceptable to anyone.

There are also some texts written by the founder that can be a reason for our prosecution by law on the basis of “contempt of religions”. As an example I refer to his description of Christianity and its beliefs as “filthy”. This was mentioned when he said about Abdullah Atham: “And he stopped in one go writing any books in favour of the filthy beliefs of Christianity that he used to be engaged with.” And also his saying: “Christianity occupies the first place in the world in speaking falsehood, those who did not hesitate even to cheat in the divine books have forged hundreds of false books". And his description of the Christian religion by saying: "It provokes disgust."

As for the prophecies of the founder, it is clear that they were not fulfilled - or they were even fulfilled in reverse - and that the justification of the Jamaat for not being fulfilled was not correct. It is regrettably all forgery, the Jamaat even sometimes fabricated non existing texts. For example, regarding Thanaullah who lived after the founder, the Jamaat claimed that the founder has written in an announcement in October 1907 that the liar would still be alive after the truthful. But we find no trace of such an announcement in his “Ishtiharat” volumes.

After realising all this, it is still my hope and wish that we remain on a good relationship with you and with the Jamaat. But I am very sorry to tell you that I no longer consider the founder of the Jamaat truthful in his claims. As for the members of my family, they can decide for themselves. I do not mind if any of them chose to stay in the Jamaat. I do not even have any problem to continue working for the Jamaat if you accept in it someone who does not believe that its founder is the promised messiah and Mahdi, and whose intention is to help its members and strive to save them. Otherwise, it is all right if you discharge me from my work. What is important is for us to remain on a friendly good relationship InshaAllah.
Sir, I have very good faith in you and I can see that you are the only one in the whole World who has the solution for this issue of Ahmadiyya at its roots. You can work on saving the Ahmadis and their offspring and the future generations from this awkward situation. By doing this you will gain the special pleasure of Allah. This can be done if you put in place a long-term plan to transform this Jamaat into a charity or something similar that can work as an organisation to enjoin goodness and spread peace in the world.
I am willing to help in this matter and to work with you to gradually bring the Jamaat and its members to safety, no matter how long this might take.
I know that telling people all the truth at once can cause them a shock and that the negative effects of this may be more than the positive ones. But on the other hand, remaining silent altogether will intensify the problem.
If you work on solving this issue at its roots, history will bestow upon you an extraordinary and unprecedented position. You will win the respect and admiration of the people, and you will receive the greatest rewards from Allah the Almighty.
I can help you with this all the way through until the end. In this case no one will ever know about this letter or its contents.
I will continue to work in the office as usual and I will carry out the tasks entrusted to me until I get any directions from you.
والله من وراء القصد
Yours truly: 
Ikrima Najami 

I handed him the letter and he asked me: What did you write in it? I said: I cannot speak before you read it and I hope that we meet after reading it, but it is a very disturbing matter that I have never experienced in my entire life! 
He said, "What is wrong with you, do you want to leave the Jamaat or what?
I said: please let’s postpone the talking after you read the content of my letter, as I have written to you in detail. He said: Well, give me a day or two and I'll read it and meet you again.
After 40 minutes, one of his bodyguards came to my office and said, "Huzoor (the Caliph) wants to see you right now." 

I went to him and when I entered his office he said: “what you have said regarding the founder of the Jamaat I do not accept it and is nonsense.” 

He seemed tense, his voice was choppy and his hands were trembling and continued saying: “I have read all of your letter and I find myself compelled to discharge you from your duties and discharge you from the Jamaat with an immediate effect!”.

And with this he concludes the matter! rather than discussing or presenting strong proofs to me, from his practical and spiritual experiences and from the miracles of his daily accepted prayers, from which we have not seen anything! Yes, instead of showing me an example of a firm faith in the truthfulness of the founder; he just quickly said to me: “I find myself compelled to discharge you from your duties and discharge you from the Jamaat”.
There are other important details that I will mention later inshaAllah, but I want to mention here very important point; at the end of this meeting, I asked the Caliph: what would you do if you were in my place?

He replied: "most probably, I will do the same like you!".

From that moment on, a terrible series of defamation, abuse, insults and cruelty began against me, all of this to intimidate any Ahmadi from just thinking about what I thought about, and from researching the same topics I did, and from just breathing the real freedom of thoughts that I began to breathe. Insha’Allah, I will talk about these details later.

At the End, I pray to Allah that may he guide and help the Ahmadies to convey the truth to their families and children and relatives. 
There is no harm if they did this in a gradual way and in stages, what is important for them is not to contribute in spreading evil and lies. They should help each other in research, reading and understanding, and demand that everything should be accurate and documented, that the responses for the allegations should be official, and from specialists, especially in relation to the Arabic language which has become known to all now, the low level of the Mirza’s Arabic. 

My heart will remain open to all the Ahmadis, hoping they will not obey the boycott, and will not agree to any evil, and will not listen to the false rumours, and will not judge anything before they hear all parties, because those selfish beneficiaries (who care only for their worldly interests) live on this type of enmity and hatred.

Ikrima Najami


  1. Alhamdulillah for you. It's not easy to take such a strong action like this. May Allah the Almighty be your aid.


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